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Showing posts from January, 2007


Welcome to the Digital Ediors' Network blog which has been created as an online resource and discussion area for media website editors. It has been created as part of a project supported by the the Department of Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). On this Digital Editors’ Network blog, journalists who create and manage media websites will discuss issues a range of current issues, from the best ways to increase traffic to the pitfalls of running forums and messageboards. The Network will not aim to deal in the latest product announcements and press releases. Instead, it will get to grips with issues important to the increasing number of journalists who ply their trade online, whether it’s measuring website traffic or making the most of video content online. It will also allow journalists direct access to the expertise in online journalism on offer at UCLan’s Department of Journalism. The network will operate on three levels: Members can exchange information a...