Dont miss this Spring date: The business of visual journalism will be under the spotlight at the Spring 2014 DEN meeting to be hosted by The Financial Times
Mark your diary; you'll definitely not want to miss this one. We’re delighted to announce that the theme for the Spring Digital Editors Network meeting on 5 June 2014 is VisualDEN and that our hosts are The Financial Times , London. The convergence of journalism and technology as we move to a digital world opens up countless rich possibilities for presentation, for innovation and creative display. From web design, to user experience (UX), sharing to navigation; data visualisations to slideshows and interactive. The way we offer our content to readers is richer and more diverse than it ever was on paper, and the speed of digital development is lightning fast. So, who is doing good things? Who is doing it best? What do we need to know? And what do we need to avoid at all costs? Over the coming months we’ll be working with FT Associate Editor Lisa MacLeod , who is head of Head of Operations of FT.Com , to put together a programme that will aim to answer th...