Ollie Jones might have had a point, but I think there's a case to be made that in the Digital Age it's data, not love, that makes the world go round.
How can news publishers access useful sources of data and how can they put it to use to serve users and to build revenue?
That's the theme for the next Digital Editors Network meeting on May 12th at the offices of Northwest Vision & Media at Media City in Salford Quays.
Speakers are:
- Julian Tait, an organiser of the FutureEverything conference who's working to make Manchester the UK's first OpenData City.
- Paul Bradshaw, author of the Online Journalism Blog and convenor of the HelpMeInvestigate project.
- Martin Bellam, information architect for the the Guardian.co.uk, the information architect in the Guardian's web development team. He blogs at Currybetdonet.
- Propublica reporter Olga Pierce and news application developer Jeff Larson will discuss the process of building layered data stories at the Pulitzer Prize-winninginvestigative news site.
- Finally: Are you and your organisation struggling to respond to the scope and the pace of the challenges? Oscar Westlund, a Swedish mobile researcher, suggests there are lessons to be learned from martial arts.
There is no charge for the event, but spaces are limited and must be reserved in advance.
Click to download the pdf for map and directions. To reserve a parking, space contact Northwest Vision and Media at 0844 3950385, or email: info@visionandmedia.co.uk.
The Digital Editors Network is sponsored by Northwest Vision & Media and theSchool of Journalism, Media & Communication at the University of Central Lancashire, home to England's oldest university journalism programme.
For addtional programme details and updates, contact or follow Nick Turner at @nickincumbria / Nick.Turner@Cumbrian-Newspapers.co.uk , or François Nel @francoisnel / FPNel@uclan.ac.uk .
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