Those who joined in the Spring 2015 Digital Editors Network meetup at the Wall Street Journal know it will be a hard act to follow.
But the DEN convenors have been working at it. And while we can't yet announce the hosts (details, details), we can confirm that we'll be meeting on November12th 19th in London. Please book the date.
DEN is a community, not a membership association or an events company. So, we welcome (and rely on) contributors. Be in touch if you'd like help by speaking, sponsoring, hosting or helping with arrangements. Our email is digitaleditorsnetwork @
Also on our minds and in our autumn calendar are:
But the DEN convenors have been working at it. And while we can't yet announce the hosts (details, details), we can confirm that we'll be meeting on November
DEN is a community, not a membership association or an events company. So, we welcome (and rely on) contributors. Be in touch if you'd like help by speaking, sponsoring, hosting or helping with arrangements. Our email is digitaleditorsnetwork @
Also on our minds and in our autumn calendar are:
- Community and Hyperlocal Event on 9th September 2015 in Cardiff. The School of Journalism’s Centre for Community Journalism (C4CJ), in collaboration with the UK’s innovation foundation Nesta, will hold a one-day event about community and hyperlocal media before the bi-annual Future of Journalism academic conference kicks off. The open event will include contributions from practitioners, academics and policy makers. The keynote speaker is Dan Gilmore. For details contact Hannah Scarbrough at the C4CJ on
- Monetising Media takes place on 21st -23rd October 2015 at Millenium Gloucester, London. Broadly, the theme is straightforward: how to make in money in media today. Specifically, it looks at the challenges and opportunities to be found in mobile, data, video and digital advertising. The folks at BriefingMedia say, 'Speakers are briefed to tell their stories in depth, foregoing PR pitches and buzzwords to offer genuine insights, data, war stories and ideas for action.' Against the backdrop of the issues raised by Emily Bell recently and the Dutch scenarios for the future of journalism, this should be another lively - and useful - conference. See you there? For more information email:
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